DePIN Tackling GPU Shortages and Empowering AI Innovation

DePIN Tackling GPU Shortages and Empowering AI Innovation

As the demand for AI development skyrockets with the rise of generative AI, there is an increasing strain on the availability of high-performance GPUs. These GPUs are essential for training and running complex AI models, but supply shortages and rising costs create a bottleneck for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and startups. Enter decentralized AI compute marketplaces like IO.NET, Akash, and others, which offer an innovative solution by unlocking idle GPU resources through a shared network.

In this blog, we will explore:

  • The current state of the AI market and the GPU supply crisis.
  • How decentralized marketplaces can address that challenge.
  • The specific benefits for SMEs, startups, and independent developers.
  • The future of AI development driven by decentralized infrastructure.

Rising Demand and the GPU Supply Crisis

The global AI market is estimated to reach USD 2.74 trillion by 2032, with a Compounding Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.4%. However, the increasing need for computational power has led to a severe shortage of GPUs, especially high-end models like Nvidia’s H100.

Traditional cloud providers, such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, dominate the market, creating long wait times and inflated costs for GPU access.

GPU Shortages and AI Demand Growth (Source: AI Market Size Report, 2024)

This shortage has become a bottleneck for AI innovation, limiting access to essential resources for smaller players.

According to the State of AI Compute Index, large corporations such as Meta and Tesla have been acquiring vast amounts of GPUs, further reducing availability for smaller players.

How Decentralized Marketplaces Can Bridge the Gap

Decentralized marketplaces such asIO.NET, Akash, Nosana, and Grafilabs offer a fresh approach to this problem. Instead of relying solely on centralized cloud providers, these platforms tap into underutilized compute resources across the globe.

By pooling idle GPUs from individual owners, data centers, or mining networks, these platforms create a flexible and scalable marketplace where users can rent compute power at more affordable prices.

Source: IO.NET Case Study by Four Pillars

This decentralized approach offers several key benefits:

  • Increased Accessibility: Startups, SMEs, and independent developers can now access high-performance GPUs without competing with large corporations for resources.
  • Cost Efficiency: Dynamic pricing models allow users to pay only for what they use, making it more affordable than long-term contracts with cloud giants.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Users can create custom GPU clusters that match their specific workloads, providing them with the flexibility to scale up or down as needed.

Benefits for Startups and Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

For startups and SMEs, access to affordable compute resources is critical to competing in the AI space. Traditional cloud services can be expensive, especially when demand is high for GPUs, leading to inflated costs. Decentralized AI compute platforms offer a lifeline for these smaller players by:

  • Reducing costs: Through decentralized platforms, startups and SMEs can significantly reduce their overheads by accessing idle GPU resources that are more affordable than mainstream cloud providers.
  • Leveling the playing field: SMEs and startups can now experiment with and deploy cutting-edge AI models without needing to invest in expensive infrastructure upfront.
  • Fostering innovation: With more accessible compute power, smaller players can innovate faster, allowing for more breakthroughs in AI across industries such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.
How Decentralized Marketplaces Benefit Startups

The Future of AI Development with Decentralized Infrastructure

As the demand for AI continues to grow, decentralized AI compute marketplaces have the potential to fundamentally reshape the way how companies can access and utilize compute resources. By unlocking previously untapped resources, these platforms democratize AI development, allowing a broader range of players to contribute to the next wave of AI innovation. The diagram bellow shows the how many projects are trying to address the GPUs supply challenge.

As DePINs like IO.NET and Akash gain traction, the market can expect:

  • Greater resilience in AI infrastructure, reducing the risk of single points of failure associated with centralized providers.
  • Faster innovation cycles as more organizations are able to experiment with advanced AI technologies.
  • A more distributed AI ecosystem.

As decentralized compute marketplaces emerge to solve the GPU shortage and provide scalable solutions for AI development, the choice of blockchain becomes critical. Solana stands out as the ideal blockchain to power DePIN due to its focus on scalability, low costs, and robust developer ecosystem.

How Solana Powers DePIN Compute Networks

Solana’s growing adoption makes it attractive to DePIN builders, who can leverage its infrastructure to attract users and developers. Projects like HiveMapper, Render, and IO.NET operate successfully on Solana.

Source: Yash Agarwal, Superteam

However, despite these advantages, Solana faces network reliability issues, including occasional downtime and congestion during peak periods. These interruptions can be especially problematic for DePIN projects that rely on real-time resource management and uninterrupted transaction processing.

For teams seeking to maximize scalability and customization without being subject to Solana’s network bottlenecks, Termina’s Solana Network Extension Platform provides a solution. Termina offers customizable rollups that allow projects to isolate their workloads from the main Solana network, ensuring higher reliability and performance. This approach allows DePIN projects to enjoy the benefits of Solana while bypassing its limitations, giving teams more control over their network’s behavior and scalability.

The Advantages of Modular Rollups on Solana for Decentralized Compute Marketplaces

Rollups on Solana significantly enhance scalability by processing transactions off-chain and submitting compressed proofs to the mainnet. This allows decentralized compute platforms to handle higher transaction volumes with lower fees—crucial for tasks like job assignments, resource allocation, and micropayments. The result is efficient and fast operations, even under high demand.

Termina’s platform enables projects to tailor the blockchain to their specific needs. This flexibility helps platforms optimize resource management and improve user interactions. As project needs evolve, custom rollups offer adaptability, ensuring long-term efficiency without major system overhauls.

Why Customization Matters for Decentralized Compute Projects

In compute marketplaces, custom rollups are vital for real-time resource allocation, allowing fast transactions with minimal delays. They also streamline micropayments by batching transactions and optimizing fees, making frequent, small payments cost-effective.

Custom rollups enable platforms to introduce dynamic pricing based on real-time demand, ensuring sufficient resources during peak periods. This helps with scaling the platform as user adoption grows.

Moreover, custom rollups provide flexibility for future upgrades, allowing quick integration of new technologies and fast deployment of updates, keeping the platform competitive and secure. They also offer the opportunity to differentiate by offering unique features like GPU-specific compute services or priority scheduling, while a dedicated rollup enhances trust and brand identity.


Decentralized AI compute marketplaces are emerging as a crucial solution to the shortage of GPUs. By providing cost-effective, flexible, and accessible compute resources, platforms like IO.NET and Akash empower smaller players to compete in the AI space, fostering innovation and ensuring a more equitable distribution of resources. As these decentralized networks continue to expand, they will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of AI development.

By leveraging Solana’s high throughput and cost efficiency alongside customizable rollups with Termina’s Solana Network Extension Platform, teams can build powerful, scalable DePIN networks that meet the growing demands of AI compute marketplaces.

These customizable rollups enable teams to unlock the full potential of Solana, optimizing scalability, lowering costs, and allowing for seamless, real-time interaction between compute resources and users.

Whether you’re building the next-generation decentralized compute network or innovating within the AI space, Termina’s Solana Network Extension offer the infrastructure and flexibility needed to drive sustainable and scalable growth in the decentralized economy.
