DePIN Projects in Underdeveloped Regions


In many countries with underdeveloped internet connectivity, there is a stark digital divide. While urban centers enjoy modern telecommunications, smaller towns and villages are often left without reliable internet. Large telecom operators only invest in areas with enough customers to justify the cost, leaving rural populations disconnected and limiting opportunities for personal and economic growth.

Source: Statista

As the graph shows, internet access is concentrated in major cities, while rural areas remain underserved. The challenge is not that connectivity cannot be built, but that it is financially unfeasible for traditional telecom companies. In rural areas, building towers and laying fiber optic cables is expensive and doesn't offer a high return on investment for large providers, leaving communities with limited access to the digital world.

Decentralized Infrastructure (DePIN) projects are changing this by creating community-driven networks that bypass the need for traditional telecom models, offering new business models to fill the gaps.

DePIN Business Models: The Future of Connectivity

Wireless DePIN networks are an alternative approach to connectivity enabling individuals and communities to build their own networks. Instead of relying on centralized telecom giants, these projects allow anyone to contribute to the network’s infrastructure by setting up their own nodes or devices, creating a more democratic and affordable solution to internet access.

  • Helium: Helium uses a decentralized model where individuals can set up “Hotspots” that provide wireless network coverage for IoT devices in exchange for cryptocurrency rewards. This model enables communities to build local coverage without the high infrastructure costs typically associated with traditional networks.
  • World Mobile: By setting up air and ground-based nodes, World Mobile is building decentralized networks in areas with low connectivity. Locals can operate these nodes to provide internet access to their communities, making connectivity both affordable and sustainable in rural areas.

These projects enable connectivity in places that traditional telecom providers have neglected, and they do so in a way that empowers local communities to be part of the solution.

Opportunities for Builders: A Frontier for Innovation

Governments are starting to recognize the need for connectivity in underserved areas, as seen with Kazakhstan’s partnership with Starlink. However, relying on centralized providers for massive infrastructure projects takes time and often comes with high costs.

For builders, this represents a high-potential market. Decentralized wireless networks, such as World Mobile’s Smart Village initiative in rural Zanzibar, show how communities can deploy affordable, reliable connectivity. In Zanzibar, local residents manage and maintain their wireless networks, becoming active stakeholders in the project rather than passive consumers.

Source: World Mobile

Similarly, World Mobile’s expansion into Lahore, Pakistan showcases how decentralized networks create scalable solutions that empower local businesses and communities to build the infrastructure themselves. This model can be replicated in many underserved regions, proving that decentralized networks not only address connectivity issues but also create new economic opportunities.

These decentralized models fundamentally alter the economics of network deployment. Builders now have the chance to bypass the high infrastructure costs that have made traditional telecom networks unviable in rural areas. By utilizing community-driven networks, the barrier to entry is drastically reduced, opening the door to innovation where legacy providers have left gaps.

The financial opportunity here is clear. Decentralized wireless networks aren’t speculative—they offer real-world utility and the potential for sustainable growth in regions where traditional telecom has fallen short.

By taking advantage of this opening, entrepreneurs can solve real-world connectivity challenges, and tap into a growing demand for sustainable, scalable, and valuable networks.

More Innovations in the DePIN Space

The DePIN sector is ripe with innovative ideas beyond basic wireless connectivity. Builders can explore a range of decentralized solutions, such as creating networks for 4G/5G cellular coverage using community-operated nodes, or developing decentralized IoT networks that leverage low-energy connections for tracking and smart applications.

Another exciting avenue is setting up community-driven ISPs, where local users share bandwidth and receive compensation, making affordable internet access possible in underserved areas.

Additionally, decentralized mesh networks can turn everyday devices like phones into connectivity nodes, extending coverage in regions with limited internet access. These diverse ideas showcase the potential for DePIN to transform connectivity and empower communities.

Scaling with Termina: SVM-as-a-Service for DePIN

Scaling decentralized wireless networks requires expertise and infrastructure that can be complex to manage. Termina offers an easy-to-use platform for deploying customized Solana Virtual Machine (SVM) networks, which can be designed specifically for DePIN projects.

With Termina, builders don’t have to worry about the technical complexity of launching their own networks. Termina handles protocol operations, allowing teams to focus on growing their networks and applications. By using Termina’s platform, DePIN projects can scale quickly and efficiently without the need to build blockchains from scratch.

Why Solana and Termina? Solana has become the go-to platform for DePIN builders, hosting major projects like Helium, Hivemapper and Render. As Solana’s adoption continues to grow over other blockchains, its ecosystem is perfect for purpose-built networks, hosting 78 DePIN projects.

Termina’s platform supports this by providing custom SVM instances for projects that have high data transaction needs and are looking for support with network integration with Solana mainnet.

For builders ready to scale their DePIN networks, Termina’s one-click deployment and customization options reduces the time and resources it takes to launch.

Ready to explore the opportunities in the DePIN sector? Visit our documentation, sign up for the Termina devnet waitlist, and follow us on Twitter to stay updated on how Termina can help you bring your project to life.

Get Started

Decentralized wireless networks represent the future of connectivity, especially in under-connected areas where traditional telecoms have left gaps. This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to innovate and solve real-world problems while contributing to global economic growth. With Termina’s Rollup-as-a-Service platform, launching and scaling decentralized networks has never been easier. Now is the time to seize the opportunity and build the next generation of wireless networks that empower communities and open new doors for development and commerce.
